Team Formation
- Enthusiastic Children of ages 6-9 years* from same school, friends, after school institutions, neighborhoods, home schools etc. can form a team
- Each team should contain 3-6 children and an adult mentor
- Register team at FLL India for participating in nearest regional competition. The registration fee per team
* The Date of birth of the participant must fall between 01/Jan/2010 to 31/Dec/2013 in the year of competition release i.e. 01/Jan/2019. No team member may exceed the maximum allowed age limit.
Kit of Parts Required
- BOOMTOWN BUILD Inspire Set will be made available for all the registered teams without any additional charges
- Team/s may have to use LEGO WeDo (1.0 or 2.0) to build a motorized part in their display model
- Team/s should have relevant materials to develop their ‘Show Me Poster’ and they can be as creative as possible in developing the poster