It’s never too early to explore the wonders of science & technology. Jr. FLL provides this fun-filled exploring opportunity to the children of ages 6-9 years. Guided by an adult coaches, these young minds work in teams (3-6 members per team) to explore a real-world scientific challenge defined for that year’s theme. In the past seasons teams have explored & learnt about topics such as nanotechnology, climate, quality of life for the handicapped population, and transportation.
They capture this journey of exploration in a Show Me Poster and also build a Model using LEGO elements that contains at least one motorized part. Alongside this science, technology, building & programming experience, teams work with the FIRST LEGO League Jr. Core Values, which include respect, sharing, and critical thinking. Every team gets an opportunity to present & celebrate the work at official Jr. FIRST LEGO League expo.
Jr. FLL Components
The outcome of team’s exploring journey should include a Show Me Poster & a Model built using their loving brand LEGO while respecting the Core Values.
Show Me Poster
It’s a channel for teams to showcase their research & journey. An opportunity to creatively present what they have studied, learnt & about themselves.
Build a Model
Another opportunity for teams to stretch their imagination & creativity. Every registered team gets a LEGO Inspire Set that includes 700+ building elements.